Rowing Together for Healthy Minds

11th April, 2019

Our mental health is central to our wellbeing.

Awareness of this is on the rise but the stigma (or perceived stigma) attached to these issues is still only too prevalent.

RTHM (Rowing Together for Healthy Minds) is trying to change all that in our sport. We know that rowing, and exercise generally, is wonderful for an individual’s wellbeing: the group activity, outside in often beautiful settings, with mindfulness built in by necessity! Many people row for exactly these reasons.

There are also pressures associated with highly competitive sport, if you strive to win.

RTHM highlight different mental health issues and hope that, as a sporting community, rowers can come together and support each other as well as celebrate the effectiveness of rowing in improving wellbeing.

Minerva is affiliated to RTHM.

We interviewed one of its founders – a student rower at Bristol University – about why it began, what they have achieved and hope to achieve.

Please talk about mental health and look out for the people around you, whatever your sporting activity.

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